VIRTUAL EVENT: Creators & Online Platforms
Join us on 18 November at 14:00-16:00 for a round of discussions with big names from both the creative and policy world.
See the image below for me details and register here.
See below for the full agenda.
Welcome address: Jean-Noël Tronc (President of GESAC)
Key-note speech “What can Europe do for creators? What can creators do for Europe?”
Singer/songwriter Angelique Kidjo
Roundtable “New legal framework for new relationship – What has changed and how to make it a reality”
Article 17 of the Copyright Directive is a paradigm shift in the online world, empowering creators to negotiate with tech giants in a balanced way. But the implementation process of the provision and the forthcoming Commission Guidelines bring challenges, and platforms like YouTube and Facebook are still resisting any change. The recent Audio Visual Media Service Directive also provided further guarantees for the cultural sector vis-à-vis platforms, but when will we see the fruits of these Directives?
Panellists: MEP Axel Voss, Giuseppe Abbamonte (Director, Media Policy, DG CNECT), Alban de Nervaux (Ministry for Culture, France), Tobias Holzmüller (Chair of GESAC Legal Committee, General Counsel GEMA)
Roundtable “Too big to care”? What does the future hold for the relationship?
The Digital Services Act is paving the way toward a new regulatory environment for big platforms. Issues such as transparency of algorithms, protection and promotion of cultural diversity are to be addressed to ensure a diverse cultural offering in the digital world. On the other hand, ensuring fair remuneration of creators and tackling the issue of buy-out contracts are key to securing a sustainable digital ecosystem for creative content.
Panelists: MEP Laurence Farreng, MEP Iban Garcia Del Blanco, Anna Herold (Head of Unit, Audiovisual and Media Policy-EU, DG Cnect), Ricardo Castanheira (Portuguese Permanent Representation), Jean-Nöel Tronc (CEO of SACEM and President of GESAC)
Moderated by Isabelle Szczepanski, journalist at Electron Libre