
2025 Essay writing competition now open!

We are pleased to announce the launch of the 7th edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award, supported by GESAC. This year, once again, the award will be handed out to a student/researcher for submitting the best essay related to authors’ rights/copyright with a European dimension.

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Are you a law student currently studying or researching authors’ right/copyright? If so, we encourage you to apply for this year Authors’ Right Award!

More information about the prize, eligibility criteria and how to register here.

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David El Sayegh elected as the new President of GESAC

GESAC General Assembly also elects its new Board for 2024-2026 mandate


Brussels, 23 May 2024 – GESAC, the European Grouping of Authors’ Societies (CMOs) gathering 32 authors’ societies from the European Union, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland, and representing as such more than one million authors and rightholders from all artistic fields, including music, audiovisual, visual arts, literacy, held the elections for its Board and the President for the 2024-2026 mandate, at its statutory General Meeting.


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GESAC appoints Adriana Moscoso as new General Manager

Brussels, 23 May 2024 – GESAC, the European Grouping of Authors Societies (CMOs) representing more than one million authors and rightholders from all artistic fields, today announced the appointment of Adriana Moscoso Del Prado Hernández as the new General Manager, replacing Véronique Desbrosses, who is retiring on 30 June next.


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Celebrating A Europe United In Its Cultural Diversity!

To mark the Europe Day on May 9, GESAC issued a statement expressing its gratitude to outgoing MEPs for their unwavering support for authors and their commitment to addressing the important concerns and challenges of our sector during this legislation.

Read the full statement here.

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