On September 24th, creators from across Europe are set to present EU policy-makers with a call for a bespoke European Creative Agenda for growth and jobs. The initiative is to be unveiled at the first “Meet The Authors” forum, taking place in Brussels at the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU.

Organised by GESAC, the voice of European authors’ societies, and the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU, with support from ESCA, the European Composer and Songwriter Alliance, the event will bring together newly-elected MEPs and members of the Commission with authors and artists from all parts of the creative sector and key representatives from their collective management societies.

Speakers at the event include visual artists Miss.Tic and Hervé Di Rosa, film director Fernando Trueba, Screenwriter Andrea Purgatori and composers such as Wally Badarou, Simon Darlow, Frank Dostal, Lorenzo Ferrero, Luis Ivars, Alfons Karabuda, Michael Price, Enjott Schneider and Miroslav Zbirka

Encouraging politicians to “support innovation, job creation, growth and cultural diversity, for the benefit of all EU citizens”, the call aims to put creators at the heart of debates on copyright, innovation, growth and cultural diversity.

With businesses reliant upon the ‘manufacturing’ of intellectual property—one of the few sectors with a positive net export value—the document will also stress the importance of a strong copyright framework to the livelihood of creators; as well as the link between copyright, economic growth and a European identity.

The signatories request that policy-makers reconsider potentially negative impacts of the e-Commerce Directive on development of the online market, and resist pressure to dismantle long-established private copying remuneration schemes that bring some €600 million into the cultural sector each year.

Finally, the call will reaffirm the role of authors’ societies in Europe’s future – with creators stating that CMOs represent the most harmonious way of enabling availability and ease of access to repertoires, as well as reducing red tape and supporting cultural events and new talent.

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