Academics Back Commission’s Copyright Directive Proposal on Transfer of Value Issue

On 18 February, the Executive Committee of ALAI*, an independent learned society dedicated to studying and discussing legal issues arising in connection with the protection of the interests of creative individuals, published a resolution that firmly endorses Articles 13, 14 and Recital 38 of the European Commission’s Copyright Directive proposal (COM(2016)593) of 14 September 2016.

With the Copyright Directive currently under scrutiny from the European Parliament, the views of the ALAI Executive Committee which gathers the world’s most authoritative international and European copyright law academics such as Prof Frank Gotzen, Prof Jane Ginsburg, Prof Ficsor, Prof Pierre Sirinelli, Prof Silke von Lewinski, Prof Sam Ricketson, Prof Ysolde Gendrau, as well as a number of other highly regarded academics and experts from around the world, was highly expected. The Resolution indicates that the provisions “enable[s] virtuous circles to be created, offering the conditions for the development of a new market from which each player (authors, performers, producers, broadcasters, service providers, consumers, etc.) stand[s] to benefit.”

  • You can read the full resolution here (Eng) or here (Fr)


ALAI‘s membership brings together eminent copyright scholars, creators and practitioners who represent the interests of authors or their partners. The Association also includes magistrates and senior officials who, in their scope of their work, deal with matters relating to literary and artistic property.