ALAI / GESAC European Authors’ Right Award ceremony to take place at the Annual ALAI Congress
The International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) and GESAC will celebrate the winners of the last three editions of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award, supported by GESAC, at the Annual ALAI Congress, which will be held in Estoril, Portugal, on September 15 and 16. This comes after two years of having to postpone the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award ceremony due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read on to learn more about the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award ceremony.

The award ceremony will take place on the evening of September 15 at the Hotel Placio Estoril, with the participation of the attendees of the ALAI Congress. We hearty congratulate the three award-winning young academics on their outstanding work and contributions to the field of authors’ right:
- Ms. Andrée Glancia Madinda, winner of the 2022 edition, for her essay titled “The text and data mining exception in the Directive on copyright in the digital single market: a stormy outlook for author’s rights”. Find out more about Ms. Madinda’s findings here (click).
- Mr. Seun Lari-Williams, winner of 2021 edition, for his essay “Bridging the Value Gap Between Content Creators and Digital Media Platforms: A Case Study of YouTube”. To listen to ALAI European Authors’ Right Award winner Seun Lari-Williams talking about his essay’s findings, as well his background practicing law in his native Nigeria and how the pandemic has affected the country’s creative economy click here.
- Mr. Thomas Verborgh, winner of the 2020 edition, for his essay “Multi-territorial licensing of rights in music for online use and early evaluation”. Watch the interview with Mr. Verborgh and learn more about the winner.
The Award Ceremony will feature a musical performance by Júlio Pereira, the Portuguese musician, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and Carlos Mendes, the Portuguese singer, actor, and composer, thanks to the kind initiative of SPA, the Portuguese authors’ society and a member of GESAC. Learn more about the two renowned musicians below.
The full award ceremony programme can be found here.
You can find more info on the next edition and how to apply here.
About ALAI
ALAI is an independent learned society dedicated to studying and discussing legal issues arising in connection with the protection of the interests of creative individuals. Copyright and performing artists’ rights are today an integral part of fundamental human rights as enshrined in several international conventions, declarations and charters.
GESAC groups 32 authors’ societies in the European Union, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland. As such, we defend and promote the rights of more than 1 million creators and rights holders in the areas of music, audiovisual works, visual arts, and literary and dramatic works.
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries at
Carlos Mendes defines himself as “Singer of the Word”
“…for me, Architecture is a course, Music is a path.”
Founding member in 1963n of the group Sheiks, which achieved great national and international success, he left the group to pursue studies in architecture which he concluded in 1972.
His consecrated career is well known by the general public. Among other distinctions, he has won two editions of the Portuguese Song Festival (1968 and 1972).
Several albums have repeatedly won national awards for best albums of the year, some in the category of best albums for children, such as Jardim Jaleco, Operários do Natal, and Natal do Pai Natal. Other awarded albums include Amor Combate and Canções de Ex-Cravo e Malviver featuring songs such as Alcácer que Vier, Lisboa Meu Amor, Ruas da Minha Cidade and Amélia dos Olhos Doces. Ever since he was invited in 1985 by the theatre group Comuna to make the music for “O Touro” by Abel Neves, with which Carlos Mendes won the prize for the best theatre music that same year, he has regularly participated in the creation of music for theatre. He also worked in cinema with filmmakers Lauro António, Luis Filipe Costa, Fernando Midões and Cecília Neto.
He was one of the founders of “Toma Lá Disco”, the first independent Portuguese record cooperative.
He participated and collaborated as author and actor in several television programmes and was the creator and presenter of the talk show “Falas Tu ou Falo Eu”. His activity in lyrical singing also stands out in his long career. Overtime has been specializing in lyrical singing as a singer and teacher. It is also worth mentioning his participation as an actor in films and television series.
Throughout his career, he has shown a preference for poets as source of inspiration for his compositions, with Joaquim Pessoa, José Jorge Letria and José Fanha being given a prominent place.
Without great concern for the chronological order, here are some of the most important milestones in the life of Carlos Mendes:
1963 – foundation of the group Sheik; 1967 – begins solo career; 1968 and 1972 – wins two Song Festivals; 1978 – Sheiks again for 13 television programmes; 1982 – leaves Architecture to dedicate himself only to music; 1984 and 1985 – presents in Brazil the project “Triangle of the Sea” (based on the historical/cultural triangle Africa/Portugal/Brazil); 1989 – show “Só Nós 3”; 1993 – “Falas Tu ou Falo Eu” on SIC (TV network); 2008 – Master class in lyrical singing in Coruña with Maestro Fernando Balboa: 2009 – was appointed Director of the Cultural Department of the Inatel Foundation.
He was born in Lisbon on May 23, 1947, and has recorded 20 albums.