Chinese delegation meets GESAC for European CMO best practices

On Friday 18 September, GESAC hosted the collective management part of the Chinese Legal Affairs Commission’s (LAC) European study visit. Also attending this meeting, which was held at the Sabam offices in Brussels, were representatives of CISAC and CEIPI. The meeting was organised following a request from IPKey, a Commission initiative to facilitate the development of an IPR framework in China that embraces the principles of effectiveness, fairness and transparency.

The Chinese government is currently working on a reform of its copyright legislation, which sparked this visit to Europe. The new CRM Directive and the impact of its provisions on CMOs across Europe were some of the topics of interest. As an important trade partner of the European Union, cross border licensing of music in particular was addressed during this meeting. Also on the radar for Chinese authorities were European best practices regarding the recognition of directors and screenwriters as the authors of audiovisual works and the collective management of their rights.

LAC indicated that the Chinese government was considering the integration of resale right in its new copyright legislation. GESAC warmly welcomed this move and together with the other attendees of the meeting, provided more information on the implementation of this right in Europe. The administrative aspects of the management of visual rights in general were also discussed: an important subject for Europe which sees some of its comics’ characters like Hergé’s Tintin and other visual works widely exported to China and the rest of the world.