Collective Rights Management proposal – what the press said.

You’ve heard what we’ve had to say about the new proposal, but what is everyone else doing? Here are some highlights of press coverage from the European Commission’s copyright proposal…


EU OBSERVER, 11/07/2012 Michel Barnier, European Union commissioner for Internal Market and Services

Moving the single market for online music

Music is everywhere, and the digital age has only increased its presence. Today, (11 July) I am proposing a modernised system of collective rights management that will use the single market – the EU’s most powerful economic tool – to distribute music online. This is a crucial adaptation to the world we inhabit, a world in which both supply and demand are increasingly digitised.




EU Aims to Ease Music-Licensing Rules

Copyright-collecting societies—the organizations that collect royalty payments from music, movies and books and distribute them to copyright holders—must adapt to an age of online music downloads, the European Commission said Wednesday as it laid out plans to modernize the industry.



EUROPOLITICS, 12/07/2012. Nathalie Vandystadt 

 Long-awaited proposal on copyright

There will be no lack of intellectual property issues during the Cyprus Presidency. In addition to the European patent (see separate article), the initiative on collective management of copyright, due to be presented on 11 July, is likely to spark…



INVEST IN EU, 12/07/2012 Eric Pfanner

Copyright: Commission proposes easier music licensing in the Single Market

The European Commission has today proposed measures to modernise collecting societies and put in place incentives to promote their transparency and efficiency.



NEW YORK TIMES, 10/07/2012

Europe Moves to Aid Digital Music Industry

The European Commission plans to introduce legislation on Wednesday to bolster the digital music market in Europe by streamlining the methods of agencies that collect royalties on behalf of copyright holders.



Curious to know more?

GESAC Press release

CISAC Press release