EBU/GESAC/ICMP/ECSA Recommendation sets principles for the licensing of broadcast-related online activities

Public service broadcasters, composers/songwriters, music publishers and collective management organisations have launched a forward-looking industry initiative to facilitate licensing in the digital environment. The parties’ respective European umbrella organizations, EBU, ECSA, ICMP and GESAC have agreed today on a Recommendation that sets the principles which will encourage the aggregation of rights for the licensing of certain broadcast-related online activities on a cross-border basis.

The Recommendation establishes common principles that strike a balance between the stakeholders’ interests and objectives to lead to the cross-border licensing of public service broadcasters. This will simplify the basis on which licences of musical works in the context of “broadcast-related online activities”, i.e. additional online content related to their regular broadcasting services will be implemented within the European Union. As well as promoting a voluntary re-aggregation of rights, the Recommendation also promotes high levels of transparency for authors/composers and publishers, fair compensation and efficient, modern and non-discriminatory administration arrangements.

Ingrid Deltenre, Director General of EBU said “When audiences go online, they expect to find regular public service media programmes via catch-up or streaming services as well as related content. This recommendation is an important step in the right direction because it will help streamline licensing solutions as public service media must meet these expectations effectively. Easy access to music rights for use in online programmes gives our Members an additional tool to make the most of the opportunities offered by the multi-platform environment.”

Lucie Mattera, Secretary General of ECSA said “Music writers are at the forefront of encouraging the industry to adopt solutions for specific needs of their audience, who expects easy access to services such as catch-up or streaming. Composers and songwriters want their works to be disseminated as widely as possible, whilst receiving a fair return of value. The recommendation is an important milestone in this direction.”

Véronique Desbrosses, General Manager of GESAC said “We are happy to contribute to developing a cross-border market solution that is tailored to the specific needs of public broadcasters while ensuring that the value of the music and creative efforts of our members are fully recognised and protected, and their demand for transparency is assured. This means that European consumers can enjoy a wide access to their favorite broadcasting programmes and discover music and music creators from all over the world”.

Ger Hatton, Director General of ICMP said “This Recommendation demonstrates the willingness and ability of the music industry to come up with initiatives that facilitate licensing in today’s rapidly changing digital environment. Intended as a practical instrument containing useable guidelines, once applied, it will lead to the voluntary aggregation of the rights entrusted to collective management organisations for licensing broadcast-related activities.”

Note to press:

EBU – European Broadcasting Union:
The EBU is the world’s foremost alliance of public service media organizations, with Members in 56 countries in Europe and beyond. The EBU’s mission is to defend the interests of public service media and to promote their indispensable contribution to modern society. It is the point of reference for industry knowledge and expertise.

ECSA – European Composers and Songwriters Alliance:
ECSA is a professional alliance formed by over 40 associations of composers and songwriters from all over Europe. As an international non-for profit organization, the main objective of the alliance is to defend and promote the rights of authors of music at the national, European and international level by any legal means. ECSA advocates for equitable commercial conditions for composers and songwriters and strives to improve social and economic development of music creation in Europe.

GESAC – European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers:
GESAC is the grouping of 33 of the main authors’ societies (collective management organisations) from the EU, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, representing and administering the rights and remuneration of almost 800 000 authors, composers and writers in a variety of sectors (music, audio-visual, literary and visual and graphic arts) and music publishers. For more info:  www.authorsocieties.eu

ICMP – the Global Voice of Music Publishing:
ICMP is the world trade association representing the interests of the music publishing community internationally.  Constituent members of ICMP are music publishers’ associations from Europe, Middle East, North and South America, Africa and Asia-Pacific. Included are the leading independent multinational and international companies and regional and national music publishers, mainly SMEs, throughout the world.  www.icmp-ciem.org

Please contact:
Heijo Ruijsenaars, Head of Intellectual Property
Email: ruijsenaars@ebu.ch
Phone: +41.22.7172505

ECSA: Lucie Mattera, Secretary General
Email: info@composeralliance.org
Phone: +32.2.544 03 33

GESAC: Veronique Desbrosses, General Manager
Email: secretariatgeneral@gesac.org
Phone: +32.2.511.44.54

ICMP: Coco Carmona, Legal & Regulatory Affairs
Email: coco.carmona@icmp-ciem.org
Phone: +32 2 401 6893