Eight million streaming music services users in the Nordic countries

Press release -17.10.2014- Joint Nordic Digital Music Survey 2014

THE FOUR Nordic countries – Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden, with a combined population of 26 million – are forerunners in the shift to digital music consumption, a new study finds. An estimated 8 million Nordic consumers (Internet users aged 15 to 65) have used music streaming services such as Spotify or Wimp in the past 12 months.

SPOTIFY alone is estimated to have 7 million users in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden. While the survey reports use in the past 12 months, this is nevertheless a significant number compared to Spotify’s 40 million active monthly users worldwide 1. All in all, 78% of Nordic Internet users aged 15 to 65 are digital music consumers (an estimated 13.8 million), having used services such as YouTube, Spotify, Wimp or iTunes for accessing music content at some time in the past 12 months.