Estonian society EAÜ becomes latest GESAC member

The latest authors’ society to join GESAC is the Estonian author’s society Eesti Autorite Ühing, or EAÜ. It was established in 1991, succeeding to its predecessor that had been established in 1932.

EAÜ represents about 4000 Estonian composers, lyricists, arrangers and music publishers. It collects and distributes royalties to music authors and publishers for public performances. The administration of reproduction rights of musical works and licensing of rights in musical works for online use in Estonia is managed by EAÜ in cooperation with NCB and NMP.

EAÜ also represents more than 200 Estonian authors of visual arts for whom it collects and distributes royalties for reproduction, communication to the public by TV, retransmission by cable network and droit de suite. Moreover, in cooperation with the Estonian Association of Audiovisual Authors, EAÜ has the right to represent audiovisual authors in Estonia.

GESAC warmly welcomes EAÜ!