Fifth Edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award, supported by GESAC – Ceremony on June 21 in Paris

The International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) and GESAC will celebrate the winner of the last edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award, supported by GESAC, at the Annual ALAI Congress, which will be held in Paris, France, between June 21 and 23.

Read on for more about the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award ceremony.

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The award ceremony will take place on the evening of June 21 at the opening cocktail reception, in the presence of attendees of the ALAI Congress.

We heartily congratulate Javier Fernández-Lasquetty Martín, who has won the fifth ALAI European Authors’ Rights Award, supported by GESAC, for his essay “Two models of rights management in digital journalism“, in which he explored one of the European Union’s most discussed issues regarding copyright – the issue of remuneration in the digital journalism sector, which is jeopardising the press sector’s sustainability.

Hats off to the Jury members for their outstanding work in selecting and studying the essays submitted this year in order to determine the best one: Caroline Bonin (chief legal Officer, SACEM), Dr Gábor Faludi, Prof. Raquel Xalabarder and Prof. Paul Torremans, as well as to the president of the Jury and ALAI, Prof. Frank Gotzen. Congratulations and many thanks to them!

Read the winning essay here (for the time being, only available in English) and watch the interview with Mr. Fernández-Lasquetty Martín’s to learn more about his decision to pursue his studies in the area of copyright law, his reasoning for selecting this particular topic, his thoughts on copyright, and much more.

The award ceremony programme can be found here.

Please go here for additional information on previous editions.

About ALAI

ALAI is an independent learned society dedicated to studying and discussing legal issues arising in connection with the protection of the interests of creative individuals. Founded in 1878 by the great French writer Victor Hugo to promote the international recognition of the legal protection of authors for their intellectual work, the Association fulfils its purpose by fostering the wider international dissemination of works so as to enrich the heritage of humanity.


GESAC stands for European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers. GESAC comprises 32 authors’ societies from all over Europe. Together, we represent over one million creators and rightsholders – from authors to composers, visual artists to film directors and many more, in the areas of musical, audiovisual, visual arts, and literary and dramatic works.

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