France issued two important papers as result of the Chaillot Forum

On the French Minister of Culture’s initiative took place on 4 and 5 April in Paris the Chaillot Forum – “Future of Culture, Future of Europe”, a day and a half of debates on the future of cultural policies in Europe, along with a meeting of the European culture ministers. 

Two documents results from this ministerial meeting:

  1. – The conclusions drawn by the French Ministry of Culture: “Prospects for a 2014 – 2019 Strategy”
  2. – Detailed proposals tabled by France: “Roadmap toward a European Strategy for the Digital Age”.

At the Council Meeting on Culture of 20-21 May, France made an emphasis on the Chaillot Forum and the principles agreed by the Ministers of 17 Member States and the Roadmap as a way to materialise the new Work Plan for Culture in Europe. This idea was supported by several Member States.