GESAC welcomes the adoption of Castex’s report on Private Copying by the European Parliament

Today the European Parliament has adopted Ms. Castex’s report on Private Copying Levies with 252 votes in favour, 122 against and 15 abstentions. No change was made in respect of the version adopted by the JURI Committee on the 11th of February.

GESAC welcomes the adoption of this report as it underlines the virtuous system behind private copying levies and identifies where it needs to evolve to match future consumers’ expectations.

The report also casts a shadow over the UK’s attempts to introduce the private copying exception without any fair compensation for rightholders and the Spanish government’s inexplicable decision to give a 115m€ discount to device manufacturers and importers while further challenging an already stretched public purse and failing to guarantee a drop in prices to consumers.

On behalf of Michel Barnier, Commissioner Šemeta stated that the European Commission will take note of the Castex’s report and especially its points of  divergences from Vitorino’s recommendations published on the 31st of January 2013.

We applaud the European politicians for their support to this important compensation scheme for creators and for their efforts to strike a political balance, even if some elements could have been better reflected.

For further information:
Authors and Performers’ press release on the adoption of the report by the JURI Committee on 11 February