GESAC welcomes the strong commitment of France and Germany on Authors’ right/copyright

On 31 March, the German Federal Minister for Justice and Consumer Protection Mr. Heiko Maas and the French Minister for Culture and Communication Ms. Fleur Pellerin adopted a joint statement on authors’ right/copyright which includes a few key principles designed to contribute to the debate taking place at European level.

GESAC, grouping 34 authors’ societies from all over the EU and representing over one million authors and rightholders in this capacity, welcomes this strong commitment from these two prominent EU Countries. The statement issued by France and Germany acknowledges that “authors’ right/copyright plays its full role in stimulating jobs and growth”, stresses that their efforts “will initially be focused on those who create authors right/copyright protected works. They must be guaranteed an appropriate share of the revenue resulting from the use of their works, so that they may be able to live from their creative activity”, and highlights the “smart model” of a Private Copy Remuneration Scheme and the “crucial as ever” role of collective management societies in the digital age.

GESAC General Manager Véronique Desbrosses said: “Creators are at the origin of a value chain which is of key importance for the EU economy: cultural and creative industries (CCI) account for 535.9 billion Euros in revenue and provide jobs for over 7 million Europeans. Europe has a significant role to play in ensuring the success and expansion of this sector in developing a positive authors’ right policy, and this joint statement is a step in the right direction.

> Link to the Common Declaration: French Version / German Version / English Non -Official Version