Music online. Good for music fans; good for creators?

Online services like streaming can offer much to both creators and music fans – if users appreciate the importance of using legal sites. Koda – alongside all author societies – welcomes legitimate music sites, and fights against illegal sites that deprive creators of fair payment.

Understanding changes in the way people experience music  helps  author societies monitor and adapt to the needs of both rights holders (creators) and users (music lovers) to make sure their work and function remains invaluable to their members –  and to the European single market as a whole.

Koda, the Danish author society, rigorously tracks how Danes’ listening habits are changing. The society’s latest survey, conducted in January 2012, demonstrates how the digital market-place is growing in Denmark. And that’s something that Koda welcomes.

Music online – more choice for fans 

Music streaming – a relatively niche pastime two years ago is now very much in the mainstream, with nearly a quarter of Danish people listening to songs off the Internet every day. As a result, the number of people actually buying music (a CD, for example) has plummeted – access is now more important than ownership, where music is concerned.


A fair deal for creators?

Providing access to an ever-wider range of music for an increasing number of people is a big priority for author societies, and we’re pleased that streaming has bought music closer to fans. Music lovers report that streaming enables them to discover new music and sounds and – crucially – listen to less music illegally.

But that’s not the case for everyone.  A worrying trend that emerged from the study is that – although many people are delighted to be able to access music for free – they are often less concerned about, or are unaware of, whether the site they are using is legal. Yet illegal sites do not pay for the rights to use music, undercutting the musicians (composers, lyrists) who feature on their service.

Koda is taking action against a leading perpetrator, Grooveshark, showing it’s serious about defending its members’ rights.

Author societies everywhere join hands with musicians to convince music fans, especially young people, that sticking to legal sites means the musicians they love and respect get a fair deal.