Private copying levies: Indispensable source for social and cultural activities – PCR matters #3

At the end of November, the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee will vote on an opinion on private copying levies, also known as private copying remuneration (PCR). Ahead of this vote, is writing a series of posts called ‘PCR matters’ that explains why you should care about private copying levies. This week we tell you how private copying levies contribute to financing social and cultural activities in Europe.

Key fact:

    • In 2011, the author societies of only half of EU countries have spent over €170m for social and cultural initiatives. This is three times the amount of the current EU budget for culture.

As we explained last week, copyright levies exist to ensure that authors get fair compensation for the use of their creations. But in many EU countries, part of the money collected through levies is also used to finance social programmes for artists and cultural activities for all.

These funds are used to finance large projects like music festivals, films, and trade shows as well as supporting schemes for niche content or new risky projects, fostering innovation and ensuring diversity. Private copying levies also fund training for emerging artists and authors, laying the foundations for Europe’s cultural future.

More about our views on private copying remuneration:

PCR matters #1- Private copying remuneration: More relevant in today’s digital world than ever

PCR matters #2 – Private copying levies: Fair compensation for creation

Why you should care about private copying remuneration

What author societies want for private copying remuneration

How it is an essential source of income for European creators