Sacem welcomes President Hollande’s interest in authors’ right and collective management

Jean-Noël tronc, CEO of French member Sacem, and Vice-President of the GESAC board, met with France’s President François Hollande and Senegal President Macky Sall among others at the 26th Summit of the Francophonie (or French-speaking communities).

The meeting was an opportunity for Sacem to stress the importance of the application of the UNESCO convention on the promotion and the diversity of cultural expression in the digital environment. Sacem put a strong emphasis on the need to rebalance the transfer of value that unfairly favours large online players and asked that the Presidency encourage legislative measures to ensure the fair remuneration of creators.

  • Read more about the meeting here (French)
  • See a video recap of the day here (French)
  • Find out more about transfer of value here