Sign petition to exclude audiovisual and cultural services from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

On June 14, Europe’s trade ministers will adopt a mandate for talks on the EU-US free trade agreement (often referred to in Brussels circles as simply ‘TTIP’).  It’s a crucial date in the diary for us: as we’ve said before, TTIP presents exciting opportunities in lots of ways, but it is undoubtedly a threat to Europe’s cultural sector.

For Europe’s creative and audiovisual sectors, the deal offers no benefits and indeed could cause damage, ultimately weakening Europe’s creative and economic fabric.

A few weeks ago we were delighted to see 381 members of the European Parliament support our point of view. Now, to ensure the European Council understands the weight of support for the European Parliament on this, some of Europe’s most prominent creators have joined forces to launch a petition that calls for audiovisual and cultural sectors to be excluded from TTIP once and for all.

It is crucial that these talks bear in mind the fundamental value of Europe’s creative industries, the integrity of member countries to make decisions on culture, and the specificities of Europe in terms of private copying and collective rights management.

The public petition is online now and you can sign it by clicking here.

You can see who has already signed by downloading the list below.