What cultural and creative industries bring to France – study on the economic impact of the sector

The French, like all of us, love culture. We all listen to music, go to the cinema, watch television, listen to the radio, read newspapers, magazines and books, play video games, and enjoy going to shows, museums and art events. We all know that culture makes our lives richer and more enjoyable. Yet the value of the cultural and creative sector in economic terms is not as well-known. This means it can be underestimated at times.

new study has been published in France to set the record straight. Here are the most striking facts we have spotted in the study:

  • Cultural and creative industries employ 1.2 million people in France, which is 5% of the country’s job market. What’s more, most of these jobs cannot be moved offshore.
  • The annual revenue of the sector (€61,4bn) exceeds that of the automobile industry (€60,4bn) and of the luxury goods industry (€52,5bn). It is almost equivalent to the revenue generated by the telecommunications industry (€66,2bn) and the revenue of the chemical sector (€68,7bn).
  • The French cultural and creative sector has produced European and international champions: the n° 1 music production company in the world (Universal Music Group); two of the international leaders in web-based streaming services: audio (Deezer), and video (Dailymotion); the 2nd largest publishing group worldwide (Hachette), and the 3rd largest video game publisher (Ubisoft).

You might have seen our tweets yesterday at the Licences for Europe plenary meeting, which closed a 9-month cross-sector effort to identify solutions to bring more content online. Speaking at the event, EU Commissioner Michel Barnier shared a personal conviction: the next European Commission, which takes charge at the end of 2014, will have to present a strategy to support cultural and creative industries. This French study and a recent European study on the same sector give statistical evidence that confirms the cultural and creative sector is worth it.

The English version of the study’s website (www.francecreative.fr) will be available at the beginning of next week and the study later in the month.