10 Reasons Why Authors’ Societies Love the internet!

FUN   It’s a great way for people to enjoy creative works.  And, as the major role of authors’ societies is to make an increasing number of creative works available to an increasingly broader public, we support this 100%!

CHOICE   It gives access to a repertoire that has never been larger.   From the most popular artists to ‘niche’ repertoires, all can be accessible to everyone in a click!

CONNECTIVITY   The internet brings authors and their audiences from all around the world close together.

OPPORTUNITY   The internet offers new and innovative business models for all types of music and other creative content, growing the licensing possibilities author societies can offer and therefore the streams of revenue open to all authors, not just a famous few.

EFFICIENCY     Good, reliable data on creative works and how they are being used, facilitated by the internet, is indispensable for managing the rights associated with them. Efficient management means more revenue for authors and composers.

ENGAGEMENT   Rightholders can get more involved with their audiences, as the Internet offers potential opportunities for new innovative models and creation of their works, knowing that their society ensures the protection of their rights and value of their works

CONVENIENCE   The internet makes the administration of rights easier and more interactive.  Online tracking of revenues or participating electronically on governance decisions affecting their societies is becoming more and more a reality for authors

TRANSPARENCY   Users of music can research online to see which licensing model is best for them and members of authors’ societies can see how well their society has performed over the past months and years.

PROGRESS   The internet seamlessly connects creators, consumers and businesses, creating a virtuous circle of economic, social and cultural activity.

Everybody loves the internet!