Copyright Directive: historic victory for creators and European democracy
Tuesday 26 March – After three years of discussion, and despite a massive misinformation campaign orchestrated by tech giants, the European Parliament has just adopted the Copyright Directive.
Anders Lassen, President of GESAC, said: “This is an unprecedented victory for European creators, who will now be able to exercise their rights and receive fair remuneration from platforms such as YouTube. Europe is adopting a balanced regulation that will allow the development of the European digital economy hand-in-hand with the creative sector.”
Véronique Desbrosses, GESAC’s General Manager, added: “We are extremely grateful to the MEPs that have voted for culture and fairness in the digital economy. This was not only a crucial decision for creators and our sector, but also sent a strong message to citizens that tactics of intimidation and manipulation from a handful of giant companies will not be allowed to influence European policy making. Many have contributed to the success of this directive, however the tireless work of MEPs such as Mr Cavada, Ms Trupel, Mr Voss, Ms Berès, Mr Ehler, Ms Rozière, Mr Joulaud and Ms Costa deserves to be singled out for applause.”
GESAC groups 32 of the largest authors’ societies in the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. They defend and promote the rights of more than 1 million creators and rights holders in the areas of music, audiovisual works, visual arts, and literary and dramatic works.
For more information
Véronique Desbrosses – GESAC General Manager | 02 511 44 54 | Twitter: @authorsocieties