Creators For Europe – Sign the Petition and Get involved!

Say No to the dismantling of your rights in Europe! The European Commission consultation on copyright is now closed but you can still sign the Creators’ petition:

The future of culture, creators and cultural industries in Europe depends on the outcome of a consultation on copyright being conducted by the European Commission with a deadline for submissions of 5 March 2014. 

We want Europe to make culture a priority.

We want Europe to give culture its true place at the heart of the European economy.

We want European Institutions, candidates, political parties and heads of State to say Yes to culture in Europe, Yes to millions of jobs, Yes to the artists and Yes to the people of Europe, who could not breathe without culture in their lives.

We want them to sustain and develop the cultural industries, which depend on copyright to sustain millions of jobs and secure millions of livelihoods.

Today, we urge you, the citizens of the European Union, to voice your views and to sign this petition, which will be sent to the President of the Commission and to Commissioners, who will soon present a White Paper.