Creators urge Europe to ensure a fair and sustainable digital economy and welcome the initiative of MEPs Christian Ehler and Pervenche Berès to discuss this issue as a priority in the CCI Intergroup

PRESS RELEASE – The value generated by creative works benefits almost exclusively to digital intermediaries to the detriment of right holders and in particular, of creators. European creators are asking for a clarification of the European legal provisions on copyright to ensure the sustainability of the digital ecosystem.

Tuesday 3 March.  The Intergroup of the European Parliament on Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) set up by MEPs Christian Ehler and Pervenche Berès welcomed the German and French Ministers for Culture, Ms. Monika Grütters and Ms. Fleur Pellerin for a debate during which GESAC presented the main results of the recent EY study on the European cultural and creative sector.

The CCI generate 4.2% of the EU’s GDP and provide jobs for more than 7 million people in Europe.  Creative works are one of the main sources of the digital economy and of the operators of information technologies such as search engines, social media or platforms of user generated content.  However, the value generated is not fairly shared.  Creators urge the European institutions to address this crucial issue in the context of the ongoing reflection on copyright.

Intermediaries have a role to play in the digital economy and in remunerating authors whose works circulate on their platforms and networks.  It should be clarified to avoid any drift that liability exemptions provided for by the e-commerce directive are not applicable to them.

GESAC’s General Manager Véronique Desbrosses said: ” This initiative led by two distinguished MEPs which was attended by the French and German Ministers for Culture and by a high number of MEPs and Commission officials demonstrated the importance given by the European policy makers to CCI for the digital economy and to a high level protection of copyright /authors rights. GESAC representing more than 1 million creators and right holders welcomes this clear support. The purely mercantile perspective of some Internet intermediaries has a potentially destructive impact on the creative ecosystem and the value transfer resulting from that behaviour should be addressed within the forthcoming review of the EU authors’ right/copyright legislation.”

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Contact: Véronique Desbrosses, GESAC General Manager : 0032 2 511 44 54

GESAC represents 34 authors’ societies throughout Europe, and through them more than 1,000,000 creators and right holders in the area of music, graphic and plastic arts, literary and dramatic works and audio-visual