Cultural industries in the digital age: views from Spain

On October 11th Instituto Autor and the French embassy in Spain held a conference on the contribution of cultural policies in the digital era. The main speaker was former CEO of French TV channel Canal+, Pierre Lescure, who recently authored a study for the French government on the challenges facing cultural industries in a digital era. Mr Lescure shared his vision on the current situation of the creative sector in Europe and in Spain. A roundtable debate followed, moderated by Antonio Onetti from the General Society of Authors and Editors (SGAE).

Below you can find links to videos and pictures from the event and the interview with David Uwemedimo.

Instituto Author also recently interviewed David Uwemedimo, Director of the Division of Infrastructure Copyright, Cultural and Creative Industries of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). The interview took place at the Third Edition of the WIPO Master Class Programme 2013/14 where Mr. Uwemedimo gave a presentation on “WIPO policies aimed at cultural and creative industries and copyright and related rights”. Below you can find the link to the interview.