EMI publishes position paper on Digital Single Market Strategy

The European Movement International (EMI), which GESAC is a member of, published its policy position paper on the Digital Single Market Strategy (DSMS) this week. DSMS, one of the European Commission’s (EC) priorities, is welcomed by EMI as an opportunity to create jobs and ensure growth in Europe. However, EMI cautions EC to take into account a number of factors to guarantee a fully functioning Digital Single Market that benefits all Europeans.

For instance, EMI calls on the Commission to foster sustainable growth in the cultural and creative industries which have proved their resilience to the economic crisis and are well placed to grow further. An important focus should also be to develop a modernized copyright framework that guarantees the rights of all stakeholders in order to foster European cultural diversity. The document addresses the current transfer of value in the market vis-à-vis online intermediaries who unjustly invoke the Safe Harbour non-liability provisions of the e-Commerce Directive for copyright protected content.

Read the full policy position paper here.

Read the press release here.

Read the Euractiv opinion piece by EMI vice-President MEP Eva Paunova here.


About EMI:

The European Movement is a network of organisations that has mobilised citizens and advocated for a democratic, federal and enlarged union since 1948. It is an international organisation open to all political, economic, social and cultural trends in civil society. Its objective is to contribute to the establishment of a united, federal Europe founded on the principles of peace, democracy, liberty, solidarity, and respect for basic human rights.

Find out more at europeanmovement.eu