GESAC welcomes the strong commitment of France and Italy on Culture and authors’ right/copyright in Europe

On 9 April,  Mr Dario Franceschini, the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and the French Minister for Culture and Communication Ms. Fleur Pellerin adopted a joint statement on culture and authors’ right/copyright in Europe.

The statement issued by France and Italy recalls in particular the fundamental role played by authors’ right/copyright for cultural diversity, artistic creation and freedom of expression.  France and Italy undertake to work together towards developing concrete proposals to ensure that authors’ right/copyright continue to play an essential role in the remuneration of creation and support for innovation within the European debate on authors’ right/copyright and the single digital market. The signatories believe that ensuring equitable sharing of value among stakeholders must be a priority for the European Union, in particular for the most fragile stakeholders, by promoting thedevelopment of the cultural and creative sector of which collective management societies are an integral part.

GESAC, grouping 34 authors’ societies from all over the EU and thus representing over one million authors and right holders, welcomes this strong commitment from these two prominent EU Countries.

GESAC General Manager Véronique Desbrosses said: « After the recent joint Franco-German statement, this new declaration is a proof of growing recognition of the central role of authors’ rights/copyright as an enabler for the development of a vibrant single digital market.  In the current EU debate on authors’ right/copyright in the digital single market, policymakers must seize the opportunities offered to encourage and promote the cultural and creative industries, that are  among the most dynamic sectors in terms of both adaptation to new business models and creation of jobs and growth in Europe. To do that, the value generated by digital technologies that owe their success mostly to access to creative works should be fairly shared with the creators of those works so as to ensure a sustainable digital content ecosystem.»

> Link to the Common Declaration: French version/ Italian versionNon-official English version