In Quotes: the adoption of Marielle Gallo’s report on the collective management of copyright

On 9 July, the European Parliament’s legal affairs committee unanimously adopted Marielle Gallo’s report on the collective management of copyright.

Here’s our pick of stakeholder comments on the vote:

‘ Cette mesure formalise et généralise une tendance qui existait déjà. Par ailleurs, il est également imposé que tous les petits répertoires aient accès à ces “hubs” pour favoriser la diversité musicale.’
‘This move formalises and extends a trend that is already in place. It also requires that all small repertoires have access to ‘hubs’ – crucial for musical diversity.’
Véronique Desbrosses, General Secretary of GESAC, the European association of collective management societies.
Source :
Musique : l’Europe change ses règles de gestion des droits pour s’adapter à l’ère numérique
Les Echos, 10/07
Renaud Honoré

‘C’est la première fois qu’au Parlement, des conservateurs britanniques au parti pirate, nous parvenons à un consensus sur le droit d’auteur qui est d’ordinaire un sujet extrêmement sensible.’
‘It’s the first time in Parliament that, from the British Conservatives to the Pirate Party, a consensus has been reached on authors’ rights – an incredibly sensitive issue.’
Marielle Gallo, rapporteur on the CRM Directive.
Source :
Agence Europe, 9/07
MARCHÉ INTÉRIEUR: le PE pour un accès facilité aux licences de musique en ligne


‘A bull’s eye for Marielle Gallo.’
Source :
Europolitics, 10/07
Online music – Unanimity on need for transparency on copyright
Nathalie Vandystadt

‘This is crucial for right holders, the authors and artists, who have a right to expect accurate and timely payments from their collecting societies. But it will also benefit the internal market and the cultural sector as a whole.’
Pirate Party MEP Christian Engström
IDG News Service, 9/07 New EU law could open the door for more online music – Harmonized laws on collective copyright management could lead to a surge in music offerings in EU.

‘I am happy that the Committee has managed to reach an agreement that clearly strengthens the individual composers’ and artists’ rights, while at the same time making it much easier to spread music across European borders. Particularly for a continent such as Europe which possesses a vast and rich repertoire of music to export, this new legislation will be extremely important.’
Cecilia Wikström, MEP (ALDE/Sweden)
Marielle Gallo press release

‘Je regrette l’occasion ratée pour les parlementaires de redonner le pouvoir aux artistes, en remettant pleinement l’assemblée générale au cœur du système de redistribution des droits.’
‘It’s a shame that MEPs have missed the opportunity to give back power to artists by decisively positioning the general assembly at the heart of redistributing rights.’
S&D MEP rapporteur, Françoise Castex.
S&D press release 09/07