Launch of ALAI Authors’ Right Award – supported by GESAC

The International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) is working with GESAC to set up a new European Authors’ Right Award. The next generation of IP lawyers is key to the future of authors’ right/ copyright which is why it is so important to encourage them to take an active interest in the topic and to have their voices heard.

This award is an opportunity for Masters’ students from around the world to write an article on authors’ rights within a European framework. The award will enable both ALAI and GESAC to increase its presence within a younger generation of academics and lawyers and to bring them closer to the fight for protecting and improving authors’ rights.

The project will be launched in 2018, with submissions expected between the end of the year and early 2019. An expert panel composed of members of ALAI and GESAC and presided by ALAI president, Frank Gotzen, will come together to select the winning essay and its runner-up. This selection process will culminate with an awards ceremony in Brussels in May 2019, which will also double up as a masterclass on current affairs in copyright.

The winner and runner-up will receive a cash prize as well as a subscription to the International Authors’ Right Magazine RIDA and participation in their national ALAI Group amongst other benefits. In the run-up to the event, GESAC will actively continue to build ties with the academic world.

Keep an eye out for further details here!