Meet the Authors 2023
GESAC organised the ‘Meet the Authors’ event in the European Parliament on Tuesday, May 23rd, where European authors and composers from all over the EU met with their MEPs and shared their views, experiences, and expectations regarding their situation in the music and VOD streaming markets.
Learn more about the event below.

GESAC organised the ‘Meet the Authors‘ event in the European Parliament on Tuesday, May 23rd, where European authors and composers from all over the EU met with their MEPs and shared their views, experiences, and expectations regarding their situation in the music and VOD streaming markets.
The event was hosted by MEP Ibán García del Blanco (S&D Group, Spain), supported by MEP Laurence Farreng (Renew Europe Group, France), MEP Tomasz Frankowski (European People’s Party, Poland), MEP Niklas Nienass (Greens, Germany) and the Cultural Creators Friendship Group (CCFG).
The continuous growth of music and VOD streaming services provide many opportunities for creators to engage in more creative activity and reach a wider audience, yet these markets fail to generate sufficient value and to ensure appropriate remuneration for creators. Serious issues that affect creation and cultural diversity must be addressed. There is an urgent need for change to ensure that the music streaming and VOD markets are sustainable and fair for creators.
Two new Reports that the European Parliament will be preparing on “Authors in music streaming market” and “Social and professional situation of artists” provide the unique opportunity to tackle these issues and to reiterate the Parliament’s consistent position for a solution at EU level.
GESAC also issued a press release on the event, which can be found here.
For more photos, please visit our Facebook page.