Press Release: The Amsterdam Initiative 16 small & medium-sized author societies explore cooperation

In view of the upcoming Directive on Collective Rights Management, 16 European Collective Management Organisations expressed their wish to explore the possibility of creating a licensing and administrative vehicle for the online and mobile market in Europe.

The European Commission’s proposed Directive on Collective Rights Management will have a significant impact on the way authors’ societies will conduct their business. In order to be able to continue to serve their members effectively, and to defend local repertoires and the important role of smaller and  medium sized   collecting  societies  in  the  European  context,  several Collective Management Organisations shared their experiences and insights.

Having met in Amsterdam in May and in Washington DC in early June 2013, these organizations expressed their intention to work together to research the possibility for a vehicle for licensing and administration of rights for the online and mobile environment.

Their vision is to create an efficient, cooperative, multi-­‐territorial, multi-­‐ repertoire  licensing  and  administrative  vehicle  for  the  online  and  mobile market  in  Europe. This  in  order  to  enhancethe  value  for  local  repertoire around  Europe,  safeguard  cultural  diversity  and  reduce  complexity  and processing cost for both rights holders and Music Service Providers

The possibility will be explored for the creation of an efficient, cost-­‐effective licensing and administrative vehicle with the purpose to secure and build value for local repertoire around Europe and reduce complexity for their customers on the basis of:

•   A one stop shop for users where aggregated repertoire of any number of

societies can be licensed;

•   Equal treatment for all the repertoire it represents;

•   Participation on a non-­‐exclusive basis;

•   Timely, accurate, efficient and centralized cost-­‐effective processing.

A  development  team  was  created  that  has  the  ambition  to  explore  thepossibilities  for  cooperation  in  more  detail.  The  results  are  expected  inOctober.

The meeting in Washington was co-­‐hosted by Koda and Buma/Stemra. Chairman of the meeting, Mr Anders Lassen, CEO of Koda: “I am very happy with the outcome of this meeting. Our organizations have a long tradition of working closely together and its time to renew this collaboration and see if we can take it to the next level. Hopefully, this initiative will benefit both our members and help shape the future for online music services in Europe”. Co-­‐ host Mr Hein van der Ree, CEO of Buma/Stemra added: “It is our commitment to preserve cultural diversity while making a contribution to the development of the online market”.


The intention was agreed by:

•   Netherlands: Buma/Stemra

•   Denmark: Koda

•   Czech republic: OSA

•   Slovak Republic: SOZA

•   Israel: ACUM

•   Greece: AEPI SA

•   Ireland: IMRO

•   Austria: AKM

•   Croatia: HDS

•   Romania: UCMR-­‐ADA

•   Belgium: SABAM

•   Poland: ZAIKS

•   Switzerland: SUISA

•   Norway: TONO

•   Finland: TEOSTO

•   Austria: Austro Mechana


With more expected to follow. Washington DC, June 7th 2013