Private copying levies benefit consumers – PCR matters #4

On 17 December, the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee will vote on an opinion on private copying levies, also known as private copying remuneration (PCR). Ahead of this vote, is writing a series of posts called ‘PCR matters’ that explains why you should care about private copying levies. This week we explain you how copyright levies benefit consumers.

Private copying levies benefit consumers in many aspects of their lives.

Making your life easier -Thanks to copyright levies, consumers can legally and freely copy content for their own use. This makes it easier for consumers to enjoy their favourite movies, books, and TV shows across the different devices they use. It is also cost-effective for consumers as it has been shown that the existence of private copying levies has no effect on the price of devices.

Respecting your privacy -The system has the additional advantage of not being intrusive as it preserves the privacy of consumers.

Helping new content to emerge – As they make a significant part of authors’ revenues, private copying levies contribute to the creation of new content too. Moreover a part of levies is used to support cultural activities such as the organisation of concerts, festivals, film production, etc. This means that in the future consumers will be able to enjoy new and more varied content.

Supporting home-grown jobs – Private copying levies also contribute to the vibrancy of the European cultural and creative sector. Recent studies have demonstrated the value of this sector for the European economy. These home-grown industries produce jobs that cannot be moved offshore.

More about our views on private copying remuneration:

PCR matters #1- Private copying remuneration: More relevant in today’s digital world than ever

PCR matters #2 – Private copying levies: Fair compensation for creation

PCR matters #3 – Private copying levies: Indispensable source for social and cultural activities

Why you should care about private copying remuneration

What author societies want for private copying remuneration