Seasons Greetings from everyone at!

We’d like to thank everyone who has visited our site in 2012 – it’s been quite a year for author since our site was launched in April!

Here are some of our highlights:


Q & A with MEP Marielle Gallo

Marielle Gallo is Member of the European Parliament for the European People’s Party and Rapporteur for the Collective Rights Management Directive. She shares her views on the development of the new legislation.


Getting copyright reform right

Ahead of a high-level debate on copyright reform, reflects that copyright has never been as crucial as it is today.


Where next for Collective Rights Management in Europe? hosts a high-profile event at the Musical Instruments Museum, Brussels.

Watch the video

OCTOBER attends EPP hearing in the European Parliament

Many of the author societies we represent on this platform – as well as industry representatives such as Nokia and Spotify – gather in the European Parliament to share their views on the proposed Collective Rights Management Directive.


Declaration on Private Copying Remuneration – An essential source of income for Europe’s creators

‘Rightsholders have a right to authorise all reproduction of their works but have accepted reasonable exceptions to this right in the interest of the public and practicality provided they received remuneration for such acts. Rightsholders deserve to be fairly and proportionally remunerated for their work and all uses thereof. Private copying generates an essential part of rightsholders’ remuneration. Remuneration payable on the copying media and devices is the best way of linking the act of making private copies to the payment of remuneration to rightsholders. The current remuneration system, as applied in most European countries, is not intrusive and preserves the privacy of consumers.’


Creators declare trust in author societies.

‘United we have the strength to safeguard our rights and negotiate fair remuneration for our work.’
This is the first line of SUISA’s manifesto in which its members declare their confidence in them.


EU Commission initiative to propose a directive on collective rights management societies: GESAC press release

The European Commission lays out plans to fix harmonized rules on collective rights management societies in Europe, devising incentives to enhance their transparency and efficiency. The focus of the proposal is two-fold: first, it aims to improve the governance of collective rights management societies by strengthening their reporting obligations and boosting right holders’ control over their activities. It also aims to facilitate the cross-border, multi repertoire licensing of music for online use in Europe.

The right answer to the challenges faced by European authors’ societies?

Q&A with Véronique Desbrosses, General Manager of the European grouping of author societies, GESAC

Press release



Q & A with Anton Reixa, new President of SGAE

Anton Reixa becomes the new President of the Spanish Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers (SGAE). He also takes on the functions of President of the Board of Directors and of the Administration Board, by majority decision of the new Board of Directors.



Cultural Ambassadors Project celebrates first anniversary in Brussels!

A year ago this month the Finnish Composers Copyright Society, Teosto, brought their ambitious Cultural Ambassadors Project to Brussels.
Anna Eriksson, a popular Finnish author and Cultural Ambassador in Brussels says ‘As a cultural Ambassador I act as a link between the world of politics and the everyday life of an author. I hope that my connection with MEPs stays active.’


Making a stand for authors’ rights

Gema – the German author society – goes to court on behalf of its members whose copyright-protected works had been made available on YouTube without their consent.
Not only was this unfair for the creators missing out on the revenue owed to them – it was illegal. And the Court agreed.
YouTube is now obliged take concrete action, like installing digital tracking footprints, to make sure that copyright-protected works do not appear on their service, upholding the rights of GEMA’s members.

We wish you all the best for 2013 and look forward to welcoming you back to next year!