SGAE hosts debates on the European Commission’s strategy on copyright

On 18 September, SGAE held a day of debates in Madrid to discuss the many questions that arise from the European Commission’s strategy on copyright.

Participating in this event were artists like the Spanish film director Inés París and British composer Crispin Hunt. Also present was GESAC’s General Manager Véronique Desbrosses, who emphasized the weight and importance of the creative and cultural industries in Europe. She insisted on the need to urgently address the transfer of value taking place online with intermediaries refusing to fairly remunerate the creators of the content they make available to the public. Echoing the growing concern among authors in Europe, SGAE’s president, José Luis Acosta deplored that “never in history has so much cultural content been consumed and have authors received so little for their work”.

DG Connect’s Director General Gerard de Graaf said it was “essential for the law to be balanced in order for everyone to benefit from the digital market” and that creators would know more about the coming legislation by the end of this year.

The event was attended by over 100 people, including MEPs Paloma López and José Blanco.

More about the event here (in Spanish).