Study reveals business and emotional benefits of playing music in the workplace

Music is a great leveller. Old, young, rich or poor – most of us enjoy listening to a few tunes. It relaxes us, sets a tone – and can even make us happier and more productive.
And you don’t have to take our word for it. A new study of some 1 000 companies in the UK has revealed that around three quarters of business leaders think music at work is a good idea for both staff and customers – raising morale and creating a better atmosphere.
Pub, club and bar owners are the biggest advocates of music in the workplace. A remarkable 93% swear by playing tunes to keep staff and customers happy – and over half would rather shut up shop for a day than work in a silent environment.
And music is good for productivity too. Most of those surveyed believe that worker output increases if music is playing – a trend that is shared across all industries. Now that’s heartening news in today’s current economic climate!

Here are some more of the concrete results that emerged from the study:

• Over half of retailers think work place music can boost sales. That figure stands at 73% for pub owners!
• 64% of factory owners think music encourages team work and bonding.
• 88% of pub owners think music makes socialising easier, filling the gaps in those awkward silences.

The survey was carried out by the PRS for Music and PPL. Both organisations license the use of music and collect royalties for the music industry, but they represent different rights holders and grant separate licences. These two companies work together to raise awareness of the business and emotional benefits of playing music at work – and make sure employers understand the legal obligations they must fulfill, namely obtaining a license for the music they wish to play.
Music licenses ensure artists get paid for the entertainment they bring. No one should have to work for free and music licenses – administered by collecting societies – are there to make sure ¬artists don’t have to.
You can find more information on the study – and the benefits music brings to the workplace – by checking out – a site dedicated to explaining the financial and economic gains music can bring.