Artificial intelligence brings about many new opportunities for our lives, including in the field of culture and creativity, but its applications also raise a number of ethical and legal questions due to their wide-spread uncontrolled and unchecked usage.
AI is transforming the cultural and creative industries, offering both new possibilities and challenges.
Watch the video below to find out how generative AI works, how creators are using it, and what the risk factors are for European culture and creativity.
Joint statement on AI Act implementation
Together with 23 other creators and rightsholder organisations, on October 29, 2024, GESAC sent a letter to European policy makers urging them to ensure the AI Act is effectively implemented, protecting and promoting European Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs).
The letter restates rightsholders’ support for the aims laid out in the AI Act, adopted during the last EU term, but calls for a swift and faithful implementation measures to ensure the legislation is effect.
“We are contending with the seriously detrimental situation of generative AI companies taking our content without authorisation on an industrial scale in order to develop their AI models. Their actions result in illegal commercial gains and unfair competitive advantages for their AI models, services, and products, in violation of European copyright laws.”
GESAC's reaction to the European Parliament's vote
Read GESAC’s full reaction to the European Parliament’s vote in favor of including Generative AI systems and requiring them to respect copyright is significant here.
GESAC co-signs an open letter calling for meaningful obligations on AI systems
GESAC has co-signed an open letter calling for meaningful obligations on AI systems to ensure the lawful use of copyright-protected content.
The European Parliament proposes to oblige AI providers to record the data used to train AI, including material protected under copyright law, and to make this available in a sufficiently detailed way for rightholders to identify and enforce their rights.
In the joint letter, the rightholders coalition is asking three key improvements to the text:
Making sure that the use of protected content for the design and development of AI models requires creators/rightholders’ consent.
Improving the transparency obligations introduced in the European Parliament text and adding a provision of ‘shift of burden of proof’ or ‘presumption of usage’ when there isn’t sufficient transparency.
Extraterritorial application of EU laws so that wherever the development or training process takes place, the EU rules (hence the need for authorization) should be required from the AI systems that are available to consumers in the EU.
Creators from across Europe met MEPs and EVP Virkkunen to call for urgent action on AI and streaming
Press Release / Brussels, 30/01/2025 – Executive Vice-President Virkkunen joined MEPs and over 30 renowned creators—such as DJ Reinier Zonneveld and singer-songwriters Marika, Yael Naim and Pernille Rosendahl—at the European Parliament yesterday evening to discuss issues severely impacting the creative sector.
Together with 23 other creators and rightsholder organisations, on October 29, 2024, GESAC sent a letter to European policy makers urging them to ensure the AI Act is effectively implemented, protecting and promoting European Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs).
The GESAC community is deeply saddened by the passing away of Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kreile, who dedicated his life to the protection and improvement of authors’ rights.
We are pleased to announce the launch of the 7th edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award, supported by GESAC. This year, once again, the award will be handed out to a student/researcher for submitting the best essay related to authors’ rights/copyright with a European dimension.
Are you a law student currently studying or researching authors’ right/copyright? If so, we encourage you to apply for this year Authors’ Right Award!
More information about the prize, eligibility criteria and how to register here.
David El Sayegh elected as the new President of GESAC
GESAC General Assembly also elects its new Board for 2024-2026 mandate
Brussels, 23 May 2024 – GESAC, the European Grouping of Authors’ Societies (CMOs) gathering 32 authors’ societies from the European Union, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland, and representing as such more than one million authors and rightholders from all artistic fields, including music, audiovisual, visual arts, literacy, held the elections for its Board and the President for the 2024-2026 mandate, at its statutory General Meeting.