On Tuesday, November 8th, GESAC and ECSA co-organized an exchange in the European Parliament on buy-out contracts between European songwriters and composers and Members of the European Parliament.

The event was hosted by MEP Ibán García del Blanco (S&D Group, Spain), with the participation of MEP Sabine Verheyen (EPP Group, Germany), Chair of the Culture and Education Committee (CULT), and MEP Billy Kelleher (Renew Europe Group, Ireland).

The main goal of the event was to raise further awareness on the very harmful coercive buy-out practices imposed on European creators by non-EU based VOD platforms, why they happen, despite the protection granted by EU law, what the scale of the problem is, and what can Europe do to stop these unfairness in the market.
Over the last year, the European Parliament mentioned this problem in 3 different Parliamentary Reports asking the Commission to investigate the issue with a perspective to prevent them[1]; and the French Presidency ran a questionnaire among the Member States, discussed it in several meetings and published a summary report, again asking the Commission to investigate the issue with a concrete work plan[2]. Commissioner Breton in his address to the CULT Committee on 15 June was asked about this and he said that he will look into this issue with a report/plan by the end of the year[3].

The event of 8 November was to create further awareness on the expectation of the creators’ community from the EU institutions, and especially from the European Commission to present their concrete working plan on how to investigate these harmful practices with a view to prevent them at EU level.

The meeting was an opportunity for creators to report and testify on their experiences and to exchange with their MEPs on how to make this a European policy issue for the coming months and the years.
You can find here:
[1]European Parliament resolution of 20 October 2021 on the situation of artists and the cultural recovery in the EU; European Parliament resolution of 20 October 2021 on Europe’ s Media in the Digital Decade: an Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation; European Parliament resolution of 11 November 2021 on an intellectual property action plan to support the EU’s recovery and resilience
[2] « Effectivité du cadre européen du droit d’auteur »– Rapport final 8765/1/22
[3] Committee on Culture and Education, 15/6/2022